Configuration options for


GraphQLSitemapService instances

interface BaseGraphQLSitemapServiceConfig {
    apiKey: string;
    endpoint: string;
    excludedPaths?: string[];
    includePersonalizedRoutes?: boolean;
    includedPaths?: string[];
    pageSize?: number;



apiKey: string

The API key to use for authentication.

endpoint: string

Your Graphql endpoint

excludedPaths?: string[]

Optional. Paths starting with these provided prefixes will be excluded from returned results.

includePersonalizedRoutes?: boolean

A flag for whether to include personalized routes in service output - only works on XM Cloud turned off by default

includedPaths?: string[]

Optional. Only paths starting with these provided prefixes will be returned.

pageSize?: number

common variable for all GraphQL queries it will be used for every type of query to regulate result batch size Optional. How many result items to fetch in each GraphQL call. This is needed for pagination.



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